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15-17 de mayo de 2025

16th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics

“Meaning in corpus: Tools, methods and approaches to aboutness”

15-17 May 2025, University of Salamanca

The Spanish Association for Corpus Linguistics (AELINCO) and the organizing committee of this edition are pleased to invite you to the 16th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2025), which will take place at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Salamanca from 15 to 17 May 2025. The conference is organized by members of the DING (English Dialectology and the History of the English Language) and LINDES (Linguistic Descriptions of English) research groups, whose major areas of specialization include diachronic and synchronic corpus-assisted studies with tools such as the Salamanca Corpus and the MIAMUL Corpus.

This edition of the conference focuses on the study of meaning in representative linguistic corpora from different periods, registers and genres. As it is well known, meaning is a central concern of corpus linguistics, since its study is essential for understanding how language works and how people use it to communicate, while at the same time it poses great methodological challenges for its detection and analysis.

We invite proposals that address the production and analysis of meaning in any of its facets through specialized tools, as well as from complementary approaches and methodologies within the framework of the nine thematic panels of the conference, including mixed methods of analysis. Proposals that deal with other topics related to the areas covered by the nine thematic panels are also welcome.

The following plenary speakers have confirmed their participation:

  • Mark Alexander and James Balfour (University of Glasgow)
  • Pascual Cantos (Universidad de Murcia)
  • Mark Davies (Brigham Young University)
  • Rebekah Wegener (Paris Lodron University Salzburg)

As in previous editions, CILC2025 will run over three days in parallel sessions and will offer a number of academic activities, including roundtables and workshops, as well as a social programme that includes a walking tour of the historic city centre, a wine reception and a Gala Dinner.


Prospect speakers are welcome to submit abstract proposals contributing to any one of the nine AELINCO thematic panels:

  1. Corpus design, compilation and types
  2. Discourse, literary analysis and corpora
  3. Corpus-based grammatical studies
  4. Corpus-based lexicology and lexicography
  5. Corpora, contrastive studies and translation
  6. Linguistic variation and change through corpora
  7. Corpus-based computational linguistics
  8. Corpora, language acquisition and teaching
  9. Special uses of corpus linguistics

We invite abstracts (for papers or posters) for a maximum of two proposals in English or Spanish from 22 October 2024 to 10 January 2025.

Please note that being a member of AELINCO is an absolute prerequisite for participation. If you are interested in becoming a member of AELINCO, you can find details about the application process on the AELINCO website.

More information about submissions, fees, accommodation, and other relevant information can be found on the conference website.

Please help disseminate this information among colleagues, students and people interested, and follow us at @cilc2025!

The organising committee

  • Izaskun Elorza (Chair)
  • Nely Iglesias Iglesias
  • Vasilica Mocanu
  • Elisa Pérez García
  • Javier Ruano-García (Chair)
  • Mª Pilar Sánchez García
  • Paula Schintu Martínez